Tore Hoel

This is my homepage where you will find my publications and contact details. I am a researcher affiliated with Oslo Metropolitan University –

A Nordic Approach to Ethics and Privacy for Learning Analytics (EP4LA)

Welcome to a nearly 2 hours workshop at LASI-Nordic conference in Bergen, September 29th 2017. All participants at the conference will be participating in this workshop, and the aim will be to make sense of what happens in our countries related to EP4LA, and brainstorm some ideas for a Nordic approach.

We present here the structure of the workshop, give you links to resources, and most importantly, offer you a small preparation challenge.

Workshop agenda

  • 20 min: Introduction to the workshop
    • Is ethics and privacy a showstopper for learning analytics – and what might be the Nordic solution?
    • What should be the outcome of the group work?
  • 60 min: Group work guided by an assigned rapporteur
    • Quick round of presentations: Name, institution, and position statement: What is the most serious EP4LA issue in your country, and in your institution?
    • Setting up workshop context:
      • Agree on educational level (K12, higher ed, workplace learning)
      • Agree on what type of LA is within scope, and what aims are pursued
      • Map the state-of-affairs and EP4LA challenges
      • Brainstorm actions
  • 25 min: Reporting from the groups
    • Towards a Nordic approach to EP4LA (discussion)


This might be some resources you want to have a look at as preparations for the workshop.

Workshop heuristics

(Templates and 1 page cheat sheets that will be brought to the workshop as printouts)

  • LA process cycle model and template - to be used in brainstorming challenges and actions
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) key points
  • How to explore ethics related to LA?
  • Some suggestion for actions or outputs related to EP4LA
  • What is learning analytics, and what are modalities of LA?

Zip file with all the material

The challenge

Give this question a thought:

What is the most serious EP4LA issue in your country, and in your institution?